Replacement parts for Bemis whole house humidifiers and other models of Bemis humidifiers could be bought for very low cost at their official website itself. Also many Kenmore filters and other standard pars fit into Bemis humidifiers easily. It is not necessary to use Bemis products alone in their humidifiers although it is preferred.
The major replacement parts in Bemis humidifiers are filters as in any other humidifiers. Bemis produces numerous types of filters for its humidifiers. Wick filters, air filters and special polyester foam filters are available from Bemis itself for less than ten dollars. These filters are created by Bemis to fit certain models.
Bemis produce one special type of allergy relief filter which come with a complete frame. Though it costs more, it is very long lasting and works efficiently in preventing all types of allergy related disease. This filter will be very useful for people who have white dust allergies.
Bemis Motors and Fan Blades
Bemis motors and fan blades are general equipments which could be bought from any store. Bemis furnace humidifier uses a normal motor and fan blades. If the fan blade is damaged due to any reason, it can be purchased from any store for four or five dollars. Fan motors will usually cost $30 to $80 based on their quality.
Specific motors should be used on specific models based on their capacity. We cannot find out the repair in these internal parts easily. Replace the motor only if an electrician or a professional feel it is a definite fault with the motor. These motors could be purchased easily in any hardware shop. Look for a standard motor. It is not necessary to go for any particular brand.
Any part in a humidifier may get damaged at any time. So it is important to take good care of our humidifier especially when it comes to whole house humidifier and furnace humidifiers.